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Posted By admin On 17.08.19Advertisement Whether you’re a cyclist, runner, or keen hiker, you’ll be spoiled for choice when picking an exercise tracking app to summarize your suffering. This predicament is made worse still if your friends are scattered across services. Fortunately thanks to Have you ever wondered how programs on your computer and the websites you visit 'talk' to each other?, it’s possible to use a multitude of fitness services without carrying multiple devices on every jog. Why Would I Do This? It’s absolutely possible to Whether it's to conserve battery life or to stop the NSA tracking your every move, it's likely your reasons for crippling your iPhone's ability to locate you aren't justified. Or Android device at once.
A good example of this is Whether you're cycling for fitness, to beat the traffic on your daily commute or you love exploring the world on two pedal-powered wheels, your smartphone is the new number one cycling accessory., while Strava tracks your location and speed in the background. A bad example of this would be starting Strava, then starting Runkeeper — and maybe Garmin or Endomondo too. Though neither app talks to the GPS receiver directly (on iOS, the device works out your location using a number of factors, including nearby WiFi networks and motion coprocessor data), you’ll likely find your There are tons of options out there if you want to charge your phone while riding your bike, so we take a look at the best. With two active running processes in the background. How is this possible with Apple’s strict rules? Unlike regular non-GPS enabled apps, processes that rely on location data in order to function properly are Think you're a responsible smartphone user?
May 5, 2015 - SportTracks 3.1 Full Crack SportTracks is a powerful tool that helpful to track the distance automatically, track time, and speed workout athlete using GPS devices. With this tool you will easily to track their progress over time, analyzing the speed, heights, heartbeat performance. SportTracks is a complete.
Reckon you're saving battery by killing all those apps? Indefinitely. Apple’s notorious App Store review guidelines state. “Multitasking Apps may only use background services for their intended purposes: VoIP, audio playback, location, task completion, local notifications, etc Location data can only be used when directly relevant to the features and services provided by the App to the user or to support approved advertising uses.” Essentially, as a developer, you’ll need a damn good excuse to use background services, particularly location services if you’re developing for Apple’s platform. Google is less strict about this on Android, but the general rule still applies — running two or more trackers isn’t the best use of your battery life.
Maybe you’ve had it with Runkeeper, and want to switch to something else. Maybe you just bought a fancy Garmin smartwatch, but you don’t want your Strava premium account to go to waste. Tapiriik is the answer. Sync with Tapiriik Tapiriik is the magic glue that makes all of your favourite fitness tracking services play nice together. First you must login to your various accounts, then you can sync activities between them. Once complete, the sessions you capture with Strava will show up in Runkeeper (for example) like any other activity, allowing you to remain competitive and connected with your friends. Right now, Tapiriik is compatible with 13 various fitness-tracking services, and aside from the aforementioned, and this also includes:, and. That’s quite a list, and you’ll be forgiven for not recognising most of them — many are small services that can’t compete with the sheer number of users who opt for Runkeeper or Strava, while others are specifically designed for professional athletes, and some are tied to specific hardware.
How Do I Sync? Syncing your activities with Tapiriik is easy. Head to and connect to any services you wish to sync by clicking on the relevant logos — if you’ve used multiple apps to sync multiple activities, that’s fine. Check the settings are as you expect for each service by hovering your mouse over it and clicking Reconfigure — you might want to force private activities to sync (disabled by default), or stop certain activities syncing with specific services. Click the circular sync button and watch Tapiriik sync your various activities.
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You can see exactly what’s being copied in the box below. There’s no need to reconnect each service every time you sync — just login to any one of the services you have used, and Tapiriik will fetch the rest. That Syncing Feeling In addition to the path you took (which most apps record as an exportable.GPX file), Tapiriik tries to sync as much data as possible. This includes your overall distance, speed, heart rate, cadence, power, calories burned and temperature — though be aware you’ll need monitors for some of those metrics. The FAQ states that Tapiriik won’t create duplicate entries within your connected services, even if you’ve tracked the same activity with multiple apps or devices (you rebel). Can I Sync Automatically? You sure can, but you’ll need to pay $2 per year for the privilege.
As developer states: “For $2/year, synchronization is fully automatic. If you can’t manage that, you can visit as often as you want to manually trigger a synchronization Synchronizing activities once costs almost nothing. Doing it 24 times a day, 365 days a year: less so. You paying $2 a year covers these costs so tapiriik will always run smoothly.” What About Privacy? You can assuage your privacy fears by consulting, which tells you exactly what is stored on their servers —–depending on the services you connect.
Most of the big services use access tokens rather than storing login information, but if you opt for automatic sync, you’ll have to give up the keys to your various accounts. Do More with Your Training Aids Aside from fleshing-out your online fitness presence, Tapiriik can also overcome the incompatibilities that arise from certain combinations of training aids and online services. If the GPS watch, heart rate monitor, or cycle power meter you just bought only works with Garmin Connect or Runkeeper, you can use Tapiriik to copy the data to the services that matter the most to you.
Did you know that Strava can act as a? Save yourself some money on pricey hardware, and use the data elsewhere with Tapiriik. It’s also a valuable tool if ever you want to jump ship from one service to another, without losing your precious training data or the hassle that manual importing involves. Do you use Runkeeper, Garmin or Strava? Let us know which services you’ll be syncing using Tapiriik in the comments, below. Image Credit: /. I use Runkeeper alongside Nike+, mostly because the latter don't keep a record of the distance that I run outside it's own 'side of the fence' (I keep a record on iHealth).
I also have an account in Strava, but I noticed that the way that it tracks the covered distance isn't, if not the same, at least similar to the one recorded by Nike+. That isn't a problem with Runkeeper, on which the average difference is about 20 meters between what Nike+ said that I ran, and what Runkeeper said. So, I'll give to Tapiriik a chance, to see how well it suits to my own needs.
It's a shame that Nike+ is so closed with it's data. Even if that data (on a sense) are my data.
We have had a number of customers report recently that their internet browsers have been hijacked. Quite simply, this means that when they try to browse to a website, such as they are redirected somewhere else. These websites that are displayed often ask for Adobe Flash player to be updated, or inform you that a virus scan needs to be completed on the computer.
These sites are not genuine. In fact, the reason that the pages are shown is because the settings on the internet router have been changed by a 3rd party. More information about this security vulnerability is available here: This of course is extremely worrying, as it means an outsider has successfully accessed the computer network, and may in future try to infect connected computers with viruses, or otherwise attempt to illegally access data. Thankfully, the fix is quite simple – the internet router password should be changed to something other than the manufacturers default, and the system administration password should be changed to something more complex.
System administration passwords should be changed regularly as a matter of course, so this is a good opportunity to ensure that this vital task has been completed. You may have found that your Windows Server won’t update via Windows Updates Services and the following error message is displayed on screen. One issue which causes Windows Updates to fail with error 80072EFD is if the Windows Server is pointing at itself or another Server on the network to find the updates. To check this click Start Run type “regedit”, and accept the UAC prompt to continue.
Now navigate to HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdate. Look at the keys in that folder, and check whether they look something like this: “WUServer”=“WUStatusServer”=If these entries are listed under that folder you should backup and then delete the “WindowsUpdate” folder:.
Right-click on the folder and select “export” to save it. Delete the “WindowsUpdate” folder from the registry at HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows. Now, click Start Run type “services.msc”. Navigate down to the Windows Update service and restart it. You should now be able to perform updates on your server. When using GParted to resize a partition on a hard drive you have cloned you may notice an exclamation mark on the drive. When you attempt to apply the resize it will most likely fail, and you may receive an error message, similar to the one below, stating that there are “bad sectors” on the disk.
If you run CHKDSK in windows it will most likely tell you that there were no bad sectors found. This is due to the fact that the old hard drive probably had bad sectors on it and when it was cloned it carried the error flags over with it to the new hard drive. To solve this issue you will first need to run command prompt as an administrator in windows.
Next type “chkdsk /b”. The “/b” flag tells CHKDKS to perform a bad block check, it is a more thorough scan but it takes longer. You will most likely be trying to run CHKDSK on the drive that you are currently using. If so, you will receive a message stating that you must restart the computer before it can do so. Type “Y” and press enter.
Now restart your computer. CHKDSK will start scanning the computer and should remove all the old error flags.
Wait for the computer to do a full reboot and then run GParted again. You should find that the yellow exclamation mark has disappeared and you are now able to resize the partition successfully. If you are unable to download P60, CT100 or VAT forms from the HMRC website, you may need to check that Adobe Reader is working correctly.
Often, an issue with the installation will mean the PDF file from the HMRC site will not open automatically. The error message will then appear – “this file could not be downloaded”. Here is how to fix the problem:.
In Internet Explorer, go to Tools (or the small cog icon) then click Internet Options. Select the Advanced tab. Check the Do not save encrypted pages to disk option is ticked in the security section.
Click OK Close Internet Explorer, and then Open Adobe Reader. In Adobe Reader click Edit then Preferences. Click into Internet. Untick Display PDF in browser. Click OK You may need to also repair the Adobe Reader installation:. In Adobe Reader select Help then Repair Adobe Reader installation Once you have followed the repair instructions, you may need to restart your computer.
Finally, if this still does not work(!) you can try to upgrade your version of Adobe Reader. You could also try a different internet browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome – either of these should work straight away. When you are using Office365, you may find that external email addresses in a distrbution list do not recieve mails sent to the distribution list email address.
Many spam filters will block emails with a blank or empty return path, but Office365 sets this blank as default, to prevent email bounce loops. This is normal behaviour – a large distribution list shouldn’t distribute a bounce/DSN report to the entire membership. For a single membership list for use with Zendesk, Help Scout or other similar mailbox monitoring applications, it may be necessary. When you first setup Office365, Microsoft provides you with a default domain – usually – for example, the Jaytag domain is This can cause a small headache – as it’s not obvious when you have added your companies domain where to set this as default – so when you add new users, the primary email address will be
To set the default domain to the domain you have added, login to Office365 and click into the adminin Click on your company name in the top-left corner of the administration interface. Then click on Edit in the top-left corner of the company window. You will see a drop down list of the domains in your Office365 account – select the domain you wish to make primary, and then click the the OK button in the bottom-right of the screen. The primary domain is now set – and new users added will have their primary email address domain set to this domain, not @ To manually install the Windows Recovery Console, you have to have the necessary updates.
It seems Microsoft have removed the link to the recovery console that used to be linked to from. This makes running tools like ComboFix for example, quite difficult. I’ve sourced the files (at least for SP2 and up) they are mirrored here: – For Windows XP Home SP2 and newer. – For Windows XP Professional SP2 and newer. To install for combofix use, you can download the file to your PC and drag and drop onto the combofix.exe file, as detailed. With Sporttracks v2, there is an issue that the Terraserver map plugin no longer functions correctly. Maps cannot be zoomed, and over time, none of the routemaps appear to display at all.
Thankfully, there is a user created plugin called. Apply Routes provides a number of extensions to the SportTracks functionality:. It adds a number of MapProviders (google, microsoft, openlayers, geoportail).
It allows 3d Simulation of your workouts. It has a number of features for modifying activities. Adding a gps track to a workout that doesnt have one. Joining workouts.
UpdateHistory – Bulk updates to your logbook. The plugin for Sporttracks v2 can be downloaded. (get the.st2plugin file). Once the plugin is installed, selecting a different map (the blue dropdown arrow in the ‘Route’ window) will show the correct map underneath your activity route.