Drivers Hooking Ssdt Tutorial

Posted By admin On 12.09.19
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Jun 28, 2014 - This is the first part of this rootkit writing tutorial in which we will detail the basics about kernel rootkits. Or in kernel mode (kernel mode drivers). Usually, high level. To detect such a hook, we need to load a driver that will scan the SSDT and compare each pointer to the address range of ntoskrnl module. Installs Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence project templates for Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services that support Visual Studio 2013 and SQL Server 2014. System Requirements Supported Operating System Windows 7, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows.

This article describes a driver that hides processes and files using the method of splicing. Contents Introduction 1. Introduction to Splicing Basis 1.1 Splicing 1.2 Specifics of the Technology 1.3 Splicing Scope and Methods of Detection. Project Structure 2.1 Technical Side 2.2 Call Agreement and Stack 2.3 Code Review Conclusion Additional Information Bibliography List Introduction This article is a continuation of a set of articles on hiding and detection of files and processes in the operating system. I suppose you have already read articles and. The article represents the method of solving the problem of substitution of function address in the SST table.

In this article, I will describe program methods of hooking functions, which will make the methodology described in the Simple SST Unhooker article do not work. Introduction to Splicing Basis In the article, it is written a lot about why we need the interception of system functions. In this article, I want to focus your attention on the comparison of interception technologies, their advantages and disadvantages. We can divide the interception methods to the following groups:.


Substitution of the address of the real function (modification of IAT tables, modification of SSDT/IDT tables);. Direct change of the function (splicing, interception in the kernel mode with the modification of the function body);. Direct substitution of the whole component of the application/system (for example, substitution of the library with a target function). We can also divide them by the execution mode in the following way:. User ( ) methods: modification of IAT tables, splicing. Their peculiarity is that you cannot change anything in the behavior of OS kernel and its extensions;. Kernel mode: modification of SSDT/IDT tables, interception in the kernel mode with the modification of the function body.

With the help of this, you can modify data structure and the code of any part of OS and applications. Splicing Splicing is a method of interception of API functions by changing the code of the target function. Usually, the first 5 bytes of the function are changed. Instead of them, a jump to the function specified by the developer is inserted.

To make the operation perform correctly, application that intercepts the function must enable the execution of the code that was changed during splicing. To do this, application saves the part of memory being substituted and after the interception function finishes its work, the application restores the saved function part and enables the real function to be completely executed.

Specifics of the Technology This technology depends on the platform and that’s why it needs thorough control and check of the system for the correspondence of versions. Also, it needs the check of the function for correspondence with the target one. System functions can change when new patches and Windows updates appear (especially, Service Pack for Windows) and also as a result of modifications by other applications.

Errors when working with this technology can cause. At the same time, this technology helps to perform the global interception of API functions and influences all processes in the system in such way.

When hooking SSDT, we get to the redefined function only if it is called through the table of system calls. When using splicing, the function will be called at each call to the original function. Splicing Scope and Methods of Detection Splicing is used in the software that should perform the following:. Functions of system monitoring;. Mechanism of hooks in Windows;. Different malicious software.

This is the main technology of hiding for the rootkits of the user level. Project Structure To make advantages and disadvantages of this technology clearer, I decided not to write the code from the beginning before the substitution of the address in SST. But I decided to make some required changes to the source driver code from the Driver to Hide Processes and Files article so that it could work avoiding SSTUnhooker and was based on the method of splicing. Changes are made only in the HideDriver project and only in the PrcessHook. This will make it possible to compare two different approaches in one project. Technical Side So, how does splicing work from the point of view of the code?

To answer this question, we need to refresh our knowledge on agreements of calls of subroutines and on stack. Call Agreement and Stack Call agreement defines the following peculiarities of the process of subroutines use:. Location of input parameters of the subroutine and values returned by it.

The most widespread variants are the following:. In registers;. In the stack;. In dynamically allocated memory. Order of transfer of parameters. When using stack, it defines in which order parameters should be placed to stack; when using registers, it defines the order of comparison of parameters and registers. Variants are the following:.

Direct order — parameters are placed in the same order as they are enumerated in the subroutine description. Reverse order — parameters are passed from the end to the beginning. It simplifies the implementation of subroutines with undefined number of parameters of random types. What returns the stack pointer to the initial position:. Called subroutine — this cuts the number of commands that are required for the call of the subroutine as the commands of the stack pointer recovery are written only once at the end of the subroutine;. Calling program — in this case, the call becomes more complicated but the use of the subroutines with the variable number and type of parameters becomes easier.

Which command to use to call the subroutine and which command to use to return to the main program? For example, you can call the subroutine through call near, call far, and pushf/call far (for the return, use retn, retf, iret, correspondingly) in the standard x86 mode. Contents of which registers of the processor the subroutine should restore before the return. Call agreements depend on the architecture of the target machine and the compiler. In our case, we perform splicing of API. As it is known, it is the stdcall type.

Using this type, arguments are passed through the stack in right-to-left order. The called subroutine performs the stack cleanup.

Stack looks like the following when we are at the very beginning of the function if it has the stdcall call type: Stack is changed by the assembler call instruction. It transfers the control to the subroutine and writes the return address to the stack. The ret instruction returns the control to the calling side and takes the return address from the stack top.

Code Review Now, we can prepare the model that will work as follows. You can view the implementation of this scheme on the example of our driver.

Drivers Hook Ssdt Tutorial

First, we need to declare the handlers themselves. For this, we need to use the following definitions. Movedi,edi pushebp mov ebp,esp and only after that we return to the original function. After the execution, our return address is located in the stack and we get to our POSTHANDLER. In the handler itself, we write to stack the address of the pointer to our context and call PostHandlerImpl.

Results Results of execution look like the following: Look at the processes list before adding the rule: Now, add the rule: The “.” rule hides all processes. Look at the result: Conclusion As you noticed, it is a very complicated and nontrivial approach but it proves all the complexity because its discovery is a more difficult task than the SST hook. Download minimonsta vst rapidshare downloads pc. This technique is also dangerous because you won’t avoid BSOD in case of any small mistake. That is why you should make sure that you fully understand the material before you use this method in real projects. Additional Information Project build, structure, separate parts and utilities stayed unchanged in comparison with the original and articles.

Drivers Hooking Ssdt Tutorial 2016

Bibliography List. Mark Russinovich, David Solomon. Microsoft Windows Internals ((Fourth Edition) ed.). Greg Hoglund, Jamie Butler. Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel.

Gary Nebbett. Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference. Sven B. Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets - A Programmer's Cookbook.