Animation In Sugar Carlos Lischetti Pdf File
Posted By admin On 28.09.19July 15, 2017 Animation in Sugar: 14 Beautifully Hand-Crafted Modelling Projects for Celebration Cakes by Carlos Lischetti. Print Length: 192 Pages.
Publisher: B Dutton Publishing. Publication Date: September 22, 2012.
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Language: English. ISBN-10:. ISBN-13: 9354. File Format: PDF Possibly the most clear, informative and best illustrated book on sugarcraft modelling. Perfect balance of instructions, tips and high-quality photographs including templates. Carlos Lischetti’s distinctive style creates elegant, fun and dramatic looking models for cake toppers which will astound your recipients with the depth of the imaginative beauty and innovation, and yet astound you how simple some of them really are. Includes some basics such as an essential equipment guide, tutor tips in baking and covering a cake with board for the optimum foundation for his modelling projects for celebration cakes and how to use supports and dummy cakes.
Leaves plenty of room for the advanced sugarcrafter to pick up perfecting tips and new ideas too. I defy anyone not to get goosebumps from the wonder of his creations: “Animation in sugar” moves the average sugar model into a totally new dimension. 14 varied projects with standing, sitting, fine or stocky models gives you plenty of things to copy or to earn from in your own creations. I haven’t been able to put it down this morning since the post man arrived and can’t wait to follow his first model with my own twist! Be aware: This book is NOT for somebody looking for sculpting instructions, but for anybody that just want to make something beautiful in a simple way, or for somebody that knows already how to sculpt, and what some advice in how to build figures with sugar and how to work with pastries and cream it is so simple the way he teach it, now I’m planning on making some myself.
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Animation In Sugar Carlos Lischetti Pdf Files
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