555 Timer Pro Serial Number
Posted By admin On 13.08.19Buku kimia kelas xi pdf. As already pointed out, your question doesn't exactly make sense, in view of the fact that the whole purpose of a 555 astable is to generate a clock frequency, or a reference frequency, or some form of 50% duty cycle squarewave. The duty cycle can be varied but almost all 555 astables are intended to be squarewaves.
That being the case, it is evident, from the inherent design of the 555, that the output is going to be an alternating HIGH/LOW with LOW being 0V and HIGH being the Vcc voltage of the 555. If you were to use 5V for the Vcc, then it would be a 5V squarewave. If you ran the 555 off a 9V PP3 battery and used an equal value (10k/10k) voltage divider on the output, then you could derive a 4.5V square wave. As already mentioned, you could use but this is only going to tell you the pulse width. Without a scope, you would not know if it is a 50% duty cycle because you wouldn't know the period. You would need to measure the period (using an arduino) and then you could calculate the frequency. (P= 1/f) Or, you could use Nick Gammon's Frequency Counter sketch.
555 Timer Datasheet
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