Torrent Subliminal Visualizer Pro

Posted By admin On 07.10.19
Torrent Subliminal Visualizer Pro Average ratng: 7,5/10 2401 reviews

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Menu Feedback Hi, I purchased your subliminal visualizer pro and i'm very impressed! I just wanted to thank you for such an awesome and easy to use system keep up the great work! Regards, Jim I have never seen anything like this before and have to say I love it. I've tried a few of the other things out there and nothing compairs to this. Thank you for creating something so easy to use.

Torrent Subliminal Visualizer Pro Software


Yours, Tina Subliminal Software That Works!! Why are Subliminal Messages BANNED from Television? Because They WORK!!.NEW Visualizer Pro. The most AMAZING Subliminal Software in the World! Subliminal Visualizer Pro FLASHES SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES ON SCREEN WHILE YOU WORK OR PLAY SPEAKS YOUR SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE WHILE PLAYING MUSIC Thats right it even speaks to you! While your message flashes on the screen your computer will say the message. You can also play music and Brain wave patterns while mixing in your computer voice saying your subliminal messages.

No need for a microphone or recording your voice the computer will say what you type! You have complete control of messages as it comes with over 300 pre written messages. You can even make your own and the computer will say them! It's truly amazing that you can now use Visual and Audio subliminal messages in one great product! Screen Shots of Subliminal Visualizer Pro Build your active message list by clicking files in your message list. You can add as many as you like.

Also set flash speed, message interval, message size and color. Once your messages are flashing you can let the computer speek them. Each time a message is flashed the computer will say it. You can play music and mix in your computer spoken messages at a subliminal level.

Torrent subliminal visualizer pro free

Built in message editor lets you make changes to current messages or create your own give you complete control over the messages you want to subliminaly flash and speek. SAVE $30.00 Buy our Subliminal Power Pac Pro Complete with Subliminal Visualizer and Subliminal Recording System Copyright@2013 Design By Skyviewinternet.