Buku Dale Carnegie Indonesia Pdf
Posted By admin On 14.09.19Download Buku Dale Carnegie Bahasa Indonesia Pdf Posted on 5/27/2018 admin Ringkasan Buku How to Win Friends & Influence People The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
Sebelum dihina, saya umumkan dulu bahwa daftar ini dipublish terutama biar kesannya saya ini intelek:P padahal mungkin baru 5% yang benar-benar sudah selesai dibaca hehe. Ya, saya cuma mau merayakan hadirnya koleksi ke 1000. Meski lebih dari 80% koleksi ini adalah ebook, saya tetap merasa senang karena seolah memiliki perpustakaan pribadi (itu salah satu impian saya kalau sudah punya rumah sendiri nanti). Lagipula saya juga membayangkan, besok mungkin semua buku akan berbentuk digital sehingga koleksi ebook saya ini juga akan bisa berharga (semoga). Tidak ada buku yang langka atau agak langka seperti yang diceritakan di 'The Man Who Loved Books Too Much' karena kebanyakan juga buku digital (NB: 'The Man Who Loved.' Adalah buku yang bikin saya makin rakus mengoleksi, bahkan meski koleksi itu tidak benar-benar dibaca).
Bukannya mengecilkan ebook. Pengorbanan waktu, tenaga, kesabaran, space harddisk, dan tentunya juga uang yang saya keluarkan untuk mendapatkan ebook-ebook ini juga memang tidak kecil, tapi nyatanya ebook hasil donlotan memang tidak ada yang layak disebut langka kok. Mungkin, buku berbahasa Indonesia yang paling jadul yang saya punya adalah 'Pengakuan Pariyem' yang saya beli di Shopping, Jogja. Buku itu cetakan tahun 1981 dan tampangnya sudah lecek. Sementara untuk buku berbahasa Inggris, ada 'Jailbird' karya Kurt Vonnegut yang cetakan tahun 1979 (tapi terlihat masih kokoh).
Buku terakhir adalah hasil 'nemu' di Jusuf Agency. Buku cetak yang lain kebanyakan terbitan tahun 2000an.
Buku paling unik adalah 'Les Francais et Indonesie.' Unik, karena buku yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan diterbitkan KPG sebagai 'Orang Prancis dan Orang Indonesia' itu belum juga bisa saya baca sampai saat ini (meski edisi bahasa Indonesianya sudah pernah baca sebagian). Saya membeli buku itu karena rencananya mau saya beri ke seorang teman lama yang suka dan bisa bahasa Prancis, tapi apa daya sampai sekarang saya belum pernah bertemu dengannya. Saya juga masih menyimpan ebook 'Vivir Para Contarla' (Living to Tell the Tale), sebuah otobiografi Gabriel Marquez yang tidak saya masukkan di daftar ini karena saya kesal sebab sama sekali tidak bisa baca.
Untuk buku paling berharga, sejauh ini tidak lain adalah 'Tales from Djakarta.' Bukan saja karena buku itu adalah buku bahan skripsi saya, tapi karena buku itu dibeli di Boston dan pernah ditandatangani alm. Pram sendiri! (meski saya akui saya kurang merawatnya sehingga sekarang agak berdebu). Buku-buku di daftar ini beraneka ragam temanya, tergantung selera saya saat itu atau tergantung judulnya menarik atau tidak.
Beberapa buku memang saya akui adalah buku sampah, seperti misalnya 'Make Her Chase You', 'How to Live 24 Hours a Day' atau karya-karya David Icke, tapi tetap saya simpan karena lucu. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada buku-buku bertema filsafat esoterik, saya kadang donlot buku seperti itu karena judul dan deskripsinya unik-unik. Ada juga beberapa buku grammar dan buku yang judulnya sepintas seperti buku tutorial. Buku jenis ini (jumlahnya sedikit) sengaja saya masukkan karena buku itu menarik (menurut saya) sehingga saya anggap mereka lebih dari sekadar buku tutorial, dummies atau how to biasa. Kalau yang serius, buku yang saya koleksi kebanyakan adalah karya fiksi (sastra), sejarah, ensiklopedia, bahasa, serta filsafat, mitologi, dan psikologi juga agak banyak.
Secara khusus, memang ada beberapa tema yang jadi favorit saya, misalnya: sejarah Indonesia, kekerasan (oleh massa atau oleh negara), dunia literasi, Tionghoa Indonesia, komunisme di Asia (khususnya komunis Indonesia), agama (terutama berkaitan dengan budaya, sejarah dan politik agama Kristen serta Islam), nasionalisme, politik media massa, serta belakangan tentang (budaya) makanan dan dunia kriminal (khususnya psikologi kriminal). Mengenai bahasa, sejauh ini ada 212 buku berbahasa Indonesia, 1 bahasa Perancis, dan 790 dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk top scorer, sebagaimana bisa dilihat urutan nomor satu untuk sementara ini ditempati Paulo Coelho. Saya bukan penggemar berat karya Coelho, tapi karena si Coelho sendiri mempersilakan buku-bukunya didonlot di blognya, maka saya rasa bukunya layak dikoleksi (dan bagi saya, membaca Coelho sebenarnya memang menghibur). Di sini, buku yang saya masukkan dalam koleksi adalah buku yang memang saya niat untuk memiliki atau buku lain yang cukup berkesan, misalnya yang merupakan pemberian/kado (bukan jatah) atau buku yang saya pinjam dan tidak saya kembalikan (tenang, yang jenis ini jumlahnya sangat sedikit). Buku-buku yang saya dapat karena pekerjaan (jatah editor) tidak saya masukkan.
Demikian juga buku-buku yang (terpaksa) saya beli demi untuk mendukung pekerjaan juga tidak saya masukkan. 3 buah buku tutorial komputer juga tidak saya masukkan. Buku yang terlalu tipis juga tidak saya masukkan (mis: 'The Manual of the Warrior of Light' karya Coelho, 'Right to Be Lazy' dari Lafargue, dan buku kumpulan puisinya Jim Morrison, Pablo Neruda, dan Fernando Pessoa). Beberapa buku yang tidak jelas kelengkapannya (mis: kliping tulisan Andreas Marwoto tentang pangan yang kini sudah dibukukan, tapi saya belum yakin apa kliping dan kumpulan tulisan yang dibukukan itu sama lengkapnya) serta ebook yang mencurigakan apakah buku itu memang benar-benar sudah pernah diterbitkan, juga tidak saya masukkan. Beberapa excerpts alias cuplikan buku (ebook) juga tidak saya masukkan (meski sebagian besar cuplikan itu sudah mencakup lebih dari 50% isi keseluruhan). Bukannya karena saya malu atau tidak suka dengan buku-buku itu, tapi karena kalau dimasukkan maka jumlahnya akan membengkak dan angkanya tidak 1000 atau 1001 lagi.
Selain itu, menurut saya buku-buku yang jatah editor atau yang demi pekerjaan juga rasanya saya dapat bukan karena memang saya berminat, tapi karena itu memang hak saya. Mungkin ada juga yang janggal, yaitu kenapa dua buku Gavin Menzies ('1434' dan 1421') atau buku 'Veronica Decides To Die' dan 'Veronika Memutuskan Mati' semua dimasukkan? Bukankah itu judul yang sama? Jawabnya, itu karena saya punya baik buku cetak dan ebooknya (yang ebook bahasa Inggris, yang cetak bahasa Indonesia). Lalu, kenapa 'Sejarah Tuhan' dan 'History of God' serta 'Darkness At Noon' + 'Gerhana Tengah Hari' yang sama-sama ebook dimasukkan keduanya? Itu juga karena saya rasa karena yang satu bahasa Indonesia dan satunya bahasa Inggris, maka sah saja kan dimasukkan. Meski demikian, sejujurnya bukan itu juga alasan kuatnya hehehe.
Sekali lagi itu hanya untuk mempertahankan supaya angka tidak beranjak jauh-jauh dari 1000. Soalnya, seperti kasus buku Menzies, saya sebenarnya juga punya 'The World Without Us' dan 'The Man Who Loved Books Too Much' dalam versi cetak (bahasa Indonesia) maupun versi ebook (bahasa Inggris), tapi toh yang saya masukkan di daftar ini cuma yang versi cetak saja. Akhirnya, meski ini temanya merayakan buku ke 1000 dan seperti bisa dilihat, saya sudah berusaha mengakali supaya jumlahnya tetap 1000, jumlah buku di daftar ini tetap saja 1003. Ini terjadi karena ternyata setelah saya teliti lagi kemarin, ada beberapa buku cetak yang masih belum masuk daftar sehingga jumlahnya ketambahan 3. Tapi, karena saat ini posisi 'Engineers of Happy Land' masih dalam perjalanan (shipping) sementara 'Gadis Pantai' dan 'Perjalanan Waktu' ada di Jogja (dipinjam), jadi tetap bisa dibilang yang sudah ada di tangan saat ini adalah 1000!
Namun, saya harap terutama yang masih shipping bisa segera bergabung. Target saya selanjutnya adalah menyaingi koleksi buku SBY yang katanya puluhan ribu (?), tapi selain itu juga tentu saja saya inginnya juga jadi orang yang lebih tegas, lebih pintar, lebih berani, dan lebih baik dari doi.
Buku ini dapat mengubah Anda! Anda dapat mengalahkan rasa cemas, gelisah, dan sedih! Tiap orang tahu bahwa rasa cemas, gelisah, dan sedih itu berbahaya. Apakah semua perasaan itu dapat diatasi? Dalam buku ini, Dale Carnegie membuktikan bahwa semua perasaan itu dapat diatasi.
Ia telah membuktikannya dengan cara-cara yang teruji. Beribu-ribu pria dan wanita dari segala lapisan Buku ini dapat mengubah Anda! Anda dapat mengalahkan rasa cemas, gelisah, dan sedih! Tiap orang tahu bahwa rasa cemas, gelisah, dan sedih itu berbahaya. Apakah semua perasaan itu dapat diatasi? Dalam buku ini, Dale Carnegie membuktikan bahwa semua perasaan itu dapat diatasi.
Ia telah membuktikannya dengan cara-cara yang teruji. Beribu-ribu pria dan wanita dari segala lapisan masyarakat telah merasakan hasilnya. Dale Carnegie memberi Anda petunjuk-petunjuk praktis yang dapat Anda pergunakan sekarang juga. Petunjuk Hidup Tenteram dan Bahagia memaparkan kebenaran-kebenaran besar.
Buku ini berisi petunjuk-petunjuk yang mengagumkan dan mudah dilaksanakan. Pendek kata, buku ini dapat mengubah hidup Anda! Bacalah halaman pertama, yang menyajikan Sepuluh Keuntungan yang dapat Anda peroleh dari buku ini! Fundamental Facts You Should Know About Worry Rule 1 - If you want to avoid worry, do what Sir William Osler did' Live in 'day-tight compartments.' Don't stew about the future.
Just live each day until bedtime. Rule 2 - The next time Trouble - with a Capital T - backs you up in a corner, try the magic formula of Willis H. Ask yourself, 'What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem?'
Prepare yourself mentally to accept the worst - if necessary. Then calmly t Fundamental Facts You Should Know About Worry Rule 1 - If you want to avoid worry, do what Sir William Osler did' Live in 'day-tight compartments.' Don't stew about the future. Just live each day until bedtime. Rule 2 - The next time Trouble - with a Capital T - backs you up in a corner, try the magic formula of Willis H. Ask yourself, 'What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem?' Prepare yourself mentally to accept the worst - if necessary.
Then calmly try to improve upon the worst - which you have already mentally agreed to accept. Rule 3 - Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health. 'Those who do not know how to fight worry die young.' Basic Techniques in Analyzing Worry Rule 1 - Get the facts. Remember that Dean Hakes of Columbia University said that 'half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which to base a decision.
Rule 2 - After carefully weighing all the facts, come to a decision. Rule 3 - Once a decision is carefully reached, act! Get busy carrying out your decision - and dismiss all anxiety about the outcome. Rule 4 - When you or any of your associates, are tempted to worry about a problem, write out and and answer the following questions: a.

What is the problem? What is the cause of the problem? What are all the possible solutions? What is the best solution? How to Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You Rule 1 - Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy. Plenty of action is one of the best therapies ever devised for curing the 'wibber gibbers.'
Rule 2 - Don't fuss about trifles. Don't permit little things - the mere termites of life - to ruin your happiness. Rule 3 - Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries.

Ask yourself: 'What are the odds against this thing's happening at all?' Rule 4 - Cooperate with the inevitable. If you know a circumstance is beyond your power to change or revise, say to yourself: 'It is so; it cannot be otherwise.' Rule 5 - Put a 'stop-loss' order on your worries. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth - and refuse to give it any more. Rule 6 - Let the past bury its dead. Don't saw sawdust.
Seven Ways to Cultivate a Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness Rule 1 - Let's fill our minds with thoughts of peace, courage, health, and hope, for 'our life is what our thoughts make of it.' Rule 2 - Let's never try to get even with our enemies, because if we do we will hurt ourselves far more than we hurt them. Let's do as General Eisenhower does: let's never waste a minute thinking about people we don't like. Instead of worrying about ingratitude, let's expect it. Let's remember that Jesus healed ten lepers in one day - and only one thanked Him. Why should we expect more gratitude than Jesus got?
Buku Dale Carnegie Indonesia Pdf
Let's remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude - but to give for the joy of giving. Let's remember that gratitude is a 'cultivated' trait; so if we want our children to be grateful, we must train them to be grateful. Rule 4 - Count your blessings - not your troubles! Rule 5 - Let's not imitate others. Let's find ourselves to be ourselves, for 'envy is ignorance' and 'imitation is suicide.' Rule 6 - When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade.
Rule 7 - Let's forget our own unhappiness - by trying to create a little happiness for others. 'When you are good to others, you are the best to yourself.'
How to Keep from Worrying about Criticism Rule 1 - Unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment. It often means that you have aroused jealousy and envy. Remember that no one ever kicks a dead dog.
Rule 2 - Do the very best you can; and then put up your umbrella and keep the rain of criticism from running down the back of your neck. Rule 3 - Let's keep a record of the fool things we have done and criticize ourselves. Since we can't hope to be perfect, let's do what E. Little did: let's ask for unbiased, helpful, constructive criticism.

Six Ways to Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your Energy and Spirits High Rule 1 - Rest before you get tired. Rule 2 - Learn to relax at your work. Rule 3 - Learn to relax at home. Rule 4 - Apply these four good working habits: a. Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand. Do things in the order of their importance. When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have facts necessary to make a decision.
Learn to organize, deputize, and supervise. Rule 5 - To prevent worry and fatigue, put enthusiasm into your work. Rule 6 - Remember, no one was ever killed by lack of sleep. It is worrying about insomnia that does the damage - not the insomnia.
Advice - live in day-tight compartments. Imagine the worst, accept it, and try to improve upon it.
Then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Get the facts, analyze them, arrive at a decision, and act on the decision. You worry more when you don't know - what is the problem? What is the cause? What are all possible solutions? What solution do you suggest?
- being busy leaves no time for worry - don't be bothered by the little things - cooperate with the inevitable. Bend like the wil - Advice - live in day-tight compartments. Imagine the worst, accept it, and try to improve upon it. Then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Get the facts, analyze them, arrive at a decision, and act on the decision. You worry more when you don't know - what is the problem? What is the cause?
What are all possible solutions? What solution do you suggest? - being busy leaves no time for worry - don't be bothered by the little things - cooperate with the inevitable. Bend like the willow; don't resist like the oak - when we change our actions, we change the feeling. Act happy even if you're not. You don't attract what you want, but you attract what you are - Don't expect others to be grateful. Give for the inner joy of giving.
To raise grateful children, we have to be grateful. quote by John Baillie - 'What makes a man a Christian is neither his intellectual acceptance of certain ideas, nor his conformity to a certain rule, but his possession of a certain Spirit, and hsi participation in a certain Life.' - no one ever kicks a dead dog - if you're kicked and criticized, it means you are accomplishing something and are worthy of attention. people aren't thinking about you. They're thinking about themselves - take naps.
relax your eyes - do things in the order of importance. clear desk of everything not related to the immediate problem at hand. don't put off decisions. I have finished this book. The version I read of this book was published in 1944. I don't know if newer versions have been modified at all, or not.
I would've given the book a five star rating if it hadn't been so completely TORTUROUS to get through the chauvinistic view points. Granted, most all of Carnegie's strategies for overcoming stress and worry were excellent and I plan to put many ideas to use, HOWEVER, the ideas presented in chapters like #25 titled: 'How the Housewife Can FINALLY.
I have finished this book. The version I read of this book was published in 1944. I don't know if newer versions have been modified at all, or not.
I would've given the book a five star rating if it hadn't been so completely TORTUROUS to get through the chauvinistic view points. Granted, most all of Carnegie's strategies for overcoming stress and worry were excellent and I plan to put many ideas to use, HOWEVER, the ideas presented in chapters like #25 titled: 'How the Housewife Can Avoid Fatigue and Keep Looking Young!' Are ridiculous. This chapter took me days to get through - and it was only five pages long! For example, to quote from this, my least favorite part of the book, 'Yes, you, as a housewife, have got to relax! You have one great advantage - you can lie down whenever you want to, and you can lie on the floor!Lie flat on the floor whenever you feel tired.
Stretch as tall as you can. Roll around if you want to. Do it twice a day.' If I had read this exerpt first, I would have thrown the book in the trash. However, I was determined to acknowledge that this book was written in 1944 and attitudes towards women were much different then. So, I tried to ignore the comments about females and instead focused on the valid strategies to overcome worry.
The worthwhile strategies presented outweigh the chauvinistic attitudes. I do recommend this book - but only if you are open-minded. I read this in the late eighties together with the other Dale Carnegie book – How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Among the basic techniques to avoid worrying is what everyone knows already – live each day until bedtime. My other favorites are the problem analysis technique (define the problem, its causes, possible solutions and choosing the best solution) and the always dependable – pray.
Dale Carnegie Pdf Download
The latter can be used to fill out thoughts with peace, courage, health and hope. It is the best weapo I read this in the late eighties together with the other Dale Carnegie book – How to Win Friends and Influence People. Among the basic techniques to avoid worrying is what everyone knows already – live each day until bedtime. My other favorites are the problem analysis technique (define the problem, its causes, possible solutions and choosing the best solution) and the always dependable – pray. The latter can be used to fill out thoughts with peace, courage, health and hope. It is the best weapon to worry: raise your problems to God and He will direct you to the right path. (audiobook) A bit too much praying and god for my taste, but holds up really well in general for having been first published in the 1940s.
It has Carnegie's own ideas and lots of personal stories from other people. It had some interesting historical snippets of the real-life worries of people during the world wars and the Great Depression. I really did like the point about living in day-tight compartments.
“the best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence (audiobook) A bit too much praying and god for my taste, but holds up really well in general for having been first published in the 1940s. It has Carnegie's own ideas and lots of personal stories from other people.
It had some interesting historical snippets of the real-life worries of people during the world wars and the Great Depression. I really did like the point about living in day-tight compartments.
“the best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today’s work superbly today. That is the only possible way you can prepare for the future.” and also: “1.
Ask yourself, “What is the worst that can possibly happen?” 2. Prepare to accept it if you have to. Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.”. This book has the tone of authority and authenticity of many books written in those days which can be alluding. The book can be summised with the conclusion 'distract yourself from your depression and worry, as the best way of being happy, is to forget the reasons why you were sad!'
This was definitely a key psychological key in those days, and was about the best advice there was. Plus, you didn't have that much option besides being a cog in the machine, which was actively frowned upon and ostra This book has the tone of authority and authenticity of many books written in those days which can be alluding. The book can be summised with the conclusion 'distract yourself from your depression and worry, as the best way of being happy, is to forget the reasons why you were sad!' This was definitely a key psychological key in those days, and was about the best advice there was. Plus, you didn't have that much option besides being a cog in the machine, which was actively frowned upon and ostracized — always gotta be a good producing member of the game of society and economic theory! As the thought was of those times. These days we have more knowledge about what stops people in their tracks, and generally they aren't questions to be dismissed or distracted.
Sometimes asking 'why?' Enough times is essential to figuring out where you want to go, and the change you want to get. Often when we feel we're going down the wrong road, we start retracting away from it, and with nowhere to turn, we fall into the depths of depression. Advice like this book is, is just forget the way you feel about it, and do it anyway, eventually you'll believe the lie again.
In the words of Dr. Patch Adams, 'don't kill yourself, start a revolution!'
There are a few good tidbits on how one can stop worrying, which are perhaps worthwhile — however, as an cure to depression or anomie, which the 'Start living' section of the book makes it out to be, this is definitely not it. This is a book written based on a collection of people's experiences who had suffered from worrying. The author had interviewed many of these people who had suffered and overcome the worrying habit. Based on these experiences, a collection of potential strategies about defeating over worrying is prepared.
This book is not a scientific book, that by experimenting proves the concepts. Rather it is a book of empirical data. This approach makes this book a more self-development type of a book rather This is a book written based on a collection of people's experiences who had suffered from worrying.
The author had interviewed many of these people who had suffered and overcome the worrying habit. Based on these experiences, a collection of potential strategies about defeating over worrying is prepared.
This book is not a scientific book, that by experimenting proves the concepts. Rather it is a book of empirical data. This approach makes this book a more self-development type of a book rather than a publication of scientific experiments. If you are looking for a book which motivates you and potentially gives you bunch of hints about overcoming worry this is a good guidance. If you are looking for a more reliable scientific approach, this is not a good source.
However, in general I find some of the approaches mentioned here might be a good guidance for different people. In general, I believe it is a motivational book that gives advices, but lacks experimentation over the theories it provides. Beberapa hari belakangan saya sedang merasa bosan dengan rutinitas saya. Kebosanan berlebihan ini membuat saya lekas lelah, mudah marah, dan sulit tidur di malam hari. Untuk menyibukkan diri, saya memaksa diri saya untuk membaca sebelum tidur. Dan hal itu ternyata manjur.
Membaca, membuat saya rileks, melupakan kecemasan saya atas peristiwa yang sudah terjadi maupun yang akan terjadi. Akibatnya, baru membaca beberapa halaman saja sudah membuat saya mengantuk dan tidur lebih pulas. Buku ini bukan s Beberapa hari belakangan saya sedang merasa bosan dengan rutinitas saya. Kebosanan berlebihan ini membuat saya lekas lelah, mudah marah, dan sulit tidur di malam hari.
Untuk menyibukkan diri, saya memaksa diri saya untuk membaca sebelum tidur. Dan hal itu ternyata manjur. Membaca, membuat saya rileks, melupakan kecemasan saya atas peristiwa yang sudah terjadi maupun yang akan terjadi. Akibatnya, baru membaca beberapa halaman saja sudah membuat saya mengantuk dan tidur lebih pulas. Buku ini bukan sekedar buku bacaan, namun buku panduan menuju cara hidup lebih baik tanpa kecemasan dan stress.
Berisi kumpulan cerita inspiratif orang-orang terkenal tentang bagaimana cara mereka menghilangkan perasaan cemas dan gelisah. Dipungkasi dengan tips mengatasi stress di setiap babnya. 'Tuhan, anugerahkanlah aku kemampuan untuk menerima hal-hal yang tidak bisa aku ubah, keberanian untuk merubah hal-hal yang masih bisa aku ubah, dan kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui perbedaannya.' After many years of avoiding self-help books, this is the first one I picked up.
And no regrets at all! A real keeper, worth looking into again and again and again. Although the book was written more than 50 years ago, the advice within are still very much relevant because whilst our technology and environment has changed, we as human beings, have not. Also, what seems to be gems are actually common sense.
While in the past, I would've scoffed at having paid for a book that spouts common sense, I t After many years of avoiding self-help books, this is the first one I picked up. And no regrets at all! A real keeper, worth looking into again and again and again. Although the book was written more than 50 years ago, the advice within are still very much relevant because whilst our technology and environment has changed, we as human beings, have not.
Also, what seems to be gems are actually common sense. While in the past, I would've scoffed at having paid for a book that spouts common sense, I think it's worth every cent. If anything, this book provides useful reminders. The power of positive thinking, gratitude, prayer, hard work, exercise, good rest.we all know this. But it doesn't hurt to be reminded again and again. Recommended reading for everyone, particularly those in the corporate world, in jobs that are given too much importance than they really deserve.
This has a lot of good information in it. Basically when you become too stressed out to think straight you are in big trouble. The best thing you can do is think about your problems rationally. What can you do about it? What's the worst that can happen?
Okay, so what if the worst happens? Think about that scenario and now try and improve upon it some. The only gripes I have with this book is that is was a bit longer than it needed to be and was repetitive. Towards the end more and more bible ver This has a lot of good information in it. Basically when you become too stressed out to think straight you are in big trouble.
The best thing you can do is think about your problems rationally. What can you do about it? What's the worst that can happen? Okay, so what if the worst happens? Think about that scenario and now try and improve upon it some. The only gripes I have with this book is that is was a bit longer than it needed to be and was repetitive. Towards the end more and more bible verses and references to scripture and God were included.
Also a couple times he refers us back to the main tenets of the book he mentioned early on. Instead of telling us what they were, he tells us to 'go look them up' which doesn't work as an audiobook. Filled with common sense approaches to end worry (or cope with it, rather). Considering its publication date, the writing was a bit old-fashioned for applying to current times. Still, it was interesting reading little tidbits of how famous people from history found ways to ease anxiety and worry, from Eleanor Roosevelt to Rockefeller.
The hardest thing for me to get through was the constant mention of how 'prayer' and 'God' can ease a person's habit of worry. I'll admit, though, he did use exampl Filled with common sense approaches to end worry (or cope with it, rather). Considering its publication date, the writing was a bit old-fashioned for applying to current times.
Still, it was interesting reading little tidbits of how famous people from history found ways to ease anxiety and worry, from Eleanor Roosevelt to Rockefeller. The hardest thing for me to get through was the constant mention of how 'prayer' and 'God' can ease a person's habit of worry. I'll admit, though, he did use examples from psychological standpoints, as well, so that made it a bit easier for me to take seriously. I was curious about the founding father of self help and he does seem like he'd be a fun character to hang and chat with. Most of his advice is practical, good, non-revolutionary (he may have said much of this first- the book's 'datedness' is part of its appeal). I suppose it's never a bad thing to restate the obvious in order to drill it into one's head (he does this a lot).
I blame Carnegie for establishing the paradigm of filling books like this with 'overly neat' case studies. But you can s I was curious about the founding father of self help and he does seem like he'd be a fun character to hang and chat with. Most of his advice is practical, good, non-revolutionary (he may have said much of this first- the book's 'datedness' is part of its appeal). I suppose it's never a bad thing to restate the obvious in order to drill it into one's head (he does this a lot). I blame Carnegie for establishing the paradigm of filling books like this with 'overly neat' case studies. But you can skim/skip them.
Carnegie himself sorts the wheat from the great amount of chaff here with chapter synopses that pretty much summarize the core of his commonsensical advice. ديل كارنيجي في كتابه ناقش أساليب متعدده لمواجهة تحديات الحياه، ومع كلٍ منها ذكر العديد من الأمثلة الحيه والتجارب الشخصيه لأشخاص استطاعوا بتلك الأساليب ان يتجاوزوا الكثير من متاعب الحياه التي واجهتهم. الجميل في هذا الكتاب أنه سرد قصصاً حيه لأشخاص ناجحين وبارزين في مجتماعاتهم. ولكن المأخذ الذي أخذته عليه، أنه ذكر نتيجة معاناتهم وفقط. بحياة كل منا صعوبات شتى تصنع منّا أشخاص مختلفون بخبرة أكبر ونضوج مبكر، إذاً ف خبرتي ونظرتي للمشكله وانا في العشرين من عمري تختلف تماماً عن وجهة نظر رجل الأعمال الأمري ديل كارنيجي في كتابه ناقش أساليب متعدده لمواجهة تحديات الحياه، ومع كلٍ منها ذكر العديد من الأمثلة الحيه والتجارب الشخصيه لأشخاص استطاعوا بتلك الأساليب ان يتجاوزوا الكثير من متاعب الحياه التي واجهتهم. الجميل في هذا الكتاب أنه سرد قصصاً حيه لأشخاص ناجحين وبارزين في مجتماعاتهم. ولكن المأخذ الذي أخذته عليه، أنه ذكر نتيجة معاناتهم وفقط.
بحياة كل منا صعوبات شتى تصنع منّا أشخاص مختلفون بخبرة أكبر ونضوج مبكر، إذاً ف خبرتي ونظرتي للمشكله وانا في العشرين من عمري تختلف تماماً عن وجهة نظر رجل الأعمال الأمريكي أو الوزير البرازيلي أو حتى المرأه التي هُدم بيتها وأفلست. نعم، نفس المشكله ولكن فلنراعي تفاوت خبراتنا. وما عدا ذلك فالكتاب من أفضل ما قرأت.
كان خير معين لي حين عصفت بي الحياه. I'll admit that despite finding value in How to win friends and influencing people, I found this book rather tedious. There are a few pearls of wisdom such as living in day light compartments and planning for the worst case scenario so that in the event that the worst case scenario does play out, your ready to take it on. There is a strong religious influence and many of the stories are quite dated. I found it a little annoying as I am not religious and the stories about women depicted women in I'll admit that despite finding value in How to win friends and influencing people, I found this book rather tedious.
There are a few pearls of wisdom such as living in day light compartments and planning for the worst case scenario so that in the event that the worst case scenario does play out, your ready to take it on. There is a strong religious influence and many of the stories are quite dated. I found it a little annoying as I am not religious and the stories about women depicted women in very traditional / patriarchal roles. Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (originally Carnagey until 1922 and possibly somewhat later) (November 24, 1888 – November 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Born in poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, fir Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (originally Carnagey until 1922 and possibly somewhat later) (November 24, 1888 – November 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Born in poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, first published in 1936, a massive bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln, titled Lincoln the Unknown, as well as several other books.
Carnegie was an early proponent of what is now called responsibility assumption, although this only appears minutely in his written work. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them. Born in 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer's boy, the second son of James William Carnagey and wife Amanda Elizabeth Harbison (b. Missouri, February 1858 – living 1910). In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. Every day to milk his parents' cows, he managed to get educated at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg.
His first job after college was selling correspondence courses to ranchers; then he moved on to selling bacon, soap and lard for Armour & Company. He was successful to the point of making his sales territory of South Omaha, Nebraska the national leader for the firm. After saving $500, Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a Chautauqua lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but found little success as an actor, though it is written that he played the role of Dr.
Hartley in a road show of Polly of the Circus.citation needed When the production ended, he returned to New York, unemployed, nearly broke, and living at the YMCA on 125th Street. It was there that he got the idea to teach public speaking, and he persuaded the 'Y' manager to allow him to instruct a class in return for 80% of the net proceeds. In his first session, he had run out of material; improvising, he suggested that students speak about 'something that made them angry', and discovered that the technique made speakers unafraid to address a public audience.
From this 1912 debut, the Dale Carnegie Course evolved. Carnegie had tapped into the average American's desire to have more self-confidence, and by 1914, he was earning $500 - the equivalent of nearly $10,000 now - every week. Perhaps one of Carnegie’s most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnegey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie (unrelated) was a widely revered and recognized name. By 1916, Dale was able to rent Carnegie Hall itself for a lecture to a packed house. Carnegie's first collection of his writings was Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men (1926), later entitled Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1932). His crowning achievement, however, was when Simon & Schuster published How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book was a bestseller from its debut in 1937, in its 17th printing within a few months.
By the time of Carnegie's death, the book had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of his Dale Carnegie Institute. It has been stated in the book that he had critiqued over 150,000 speeches in his participation of the adult education movement of the time. During World War I he served in the U.S. His first marriage ended in divorce in 1931.
On November 5, 1944, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he married Dorothy Price Vanderpool, who also had been divorced. Vanderpool had two daughters; Rosemary, from her first marriage, and Donna Dale from their marriage together. Carnegie died at Forest Hills, New York, and was buried in the Belton, Cass County, Missouri cemetery. The official biography fro.